Graduation Dresses

Showing 49-52/52 items
Traditionally, graduation dresses are White or Ivory. However, more grads choose to wear other colors that reflect their personalities and individual expression. At Cybernetplaza, you will find a large selection of best grad dresses for under $100 on sale.

We also carry plus size grad dresses at discounted prices. They are up to 80% off regular retail prices. Most grad dresses and gowns listed here are also available in White and/or Ivory colors. Order the best grad dress that makes you feel good and we will ship your order to you promptly.
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Short High Neckline Satin Graduation Dress. 11223.
Short High Neckline Satin Graduation Dress. #11223
Reg: $79.00  Sale: $19.00
Short Shirred Grad Dress. 11055d.
Short Shirred Grad Dress. #11055D
Reg: $75.00  Sale: $19.00
Shirred Bodice Bubble Graduation Dress. j116.
Shirred Bodice Bubble Graduation Dress. #J116
Strapless Wrap Around Short Graduation Graduation Dress. a628.
Strapless Wrap Around Short Graduation Graduation Dress. #A628

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About Graduation Dresses

Graduation dresses are normally short and casual depending on the event. These graduation dresses are traditionally White or Ivory. However, other colors are acceptable. Graduation dresses are normally short so that they can be worn under your cap and gown. Browse through our collection and you are sure to love something.